U.S.O.; U. S. O.; U S O; U S.O.; U S O.; U S. O.
= deployment, disposition, exercise, take-up, usage, use, utilisation [utilization, -USA], utility, consumption, employment, uptake, wear, delivery.
Ex: In the context of this report any such policy would have to accept that speedy response to current problems requires the deployment of resources in favour of innovative information-driven programmes.
Ex: The process provides an effective means of controlling such serials until a final decision has been made regarding their disposition.
Ex: A poorly structured scheme requires the exercise of a good deal of initiative on the part of the indexer in order to overcome or avoid the poor structure.
Ex: One of the reasons for the relatively slow take-up of microcomputers in libraries in the Philippines is the problem caused by the multitude of languages used in the island group.
Ex: Changes in usage of terms over time can also present problems = Los cambios en el uso de los términos con el transcurso del tiempo también pueden presentar problemas.
Ex: Systematic mnemonics is the use of the same notation for a given topic wherever that topic occurs.
Ex: On occasions it is necessary to adopt an order or arrangement which leads to the efficient utilisation of space.
Ex: Situations where subdivisions might have had some utility are served by the co-ordination of index terms at the search stage.
Ex: The screen display formats required by cataloguing staff may be not at all suitable for public consumption.
Ex: Through the employment of such implicitly derogatory terminology librarians virtually give themselves licence to disregard or downgrade the value of certain materials.
Ex: The project is investigating the factors which promote or inhibit the uptake of computers in primary schools.
Ex: When in use moulds were subject to severe wear which resulted in noticeable deterioration of the surface.
Ex: Entry of number "21" reverses the present delivery status.
* alfabetización en el uso de la biblioteca = library literacy.
* aparato para el uso de la información = information appliance.
* aumento del uso = increased use.
* bloque funcional para uso internacional = international use block.
* bloque funcional para uso nacional = national use block.
* con conocimiento básico en el uso de la biblioteca = library literate [library-literate].
* con conocimiento en el uso de Internet = Internet-savvy.
* condiciones de uso = terms of use.
* condiciones legales de uso = legal boilerplate.
* con el uso = in use, with use.
* conocimientos básicos sobre el uso de las bibliotecas = library skills.
* cubrir un uso = address + use.
* cuchillo de un solo uso = disposable knife.
* dar un uso = put to + purpose.
* dar uso = put to + use.
* dar uso a = make + use of.
* de muchos usos = all-purpose.
* de pago según el uso = on a pay a you use basis, on a pay as you go basis.
* de poco uso = low-use.
* desde el punto de vista del uso = in terms of use.
* desgaste por el uso = wear and tear.
* destrezas relacionadas con el uso de la información = information skills.
* de un solo uso = disposable.
* de uso comercial = commercially-owned.
* de uso cutáneo = use + topically.
* de uso externo = for external use only.
* de uso flexible = hop-on/hop-off.
* de uso frecuente = frequently-used.
* de uso general = general-use.
* de uso interno = in-house [inhouse].
* de uso múltiple = all-purpose.
* de uso público = publicly available.
* de uso tópico = use + topically.
* encuesta sobre el uso del tiempo = time-use survey.
* en uso = in use.
* estadísticas de uso = usage statistics, use statistics.
* estadísticas de uso de recursos electrónicos = e-metrics.
* estudio de uso = use study.
* facilidad de uso = usability, user-friendliness, ease of use.
* formación en el uso de la biblioteca = library literacy.
* frecuencia de uso = usage rate.
* gastado por el uso = worn-out.
* hábito de uso = usage pattern, use pattern.
* hábito de uso, patrón de uso = usage pattern.
* hacer buen uso de Algo = put to + good use.
* hacer el mejor uso de = make + the best of.
* hacer uso = put to + use.
* hacer uso de = make + use of, draw on/upon, leverage, patronise [patronize, -USA], tap into, deploy.
* hacer uso de recursos = tap into + resources.
* hacer uso de un conocimiento = draw on/upon + knowledge.
* hacer uso personal = make + personal use.
* haciendo uso de = by recourse to.
* herramienta de uso de Internet = Internet appliance.
* herramienta para el uso de la información = information appliance.
* impuesto sobre artículos de uso y consumo = excise tax.
* incremento del uso = increased use.
* índice de uso = performance measure, output measure.
* instrucciones de uso = use instruction.
* licencia de uso = licence agreement.
* mal uso = misuse, mishandling.
* mediante el uso de los recursos = resource-based.
* método de evaluación de un edificio en uso = post-occupancy evaluation method.
* multiuso = multi-functional, multi-use [multiuse].
* normas de uso = user policy.
* ordenadores de uso público = PAWS (Public access workstations).
* pago según el uso = pay-per-view, pay-for-use.
* páguese por el uso hecho = pay-as-you-go.
* para evitar su uso indebido por los niños = childproof.
* para todo uso = all-purpose.
* para uso comercial = commercially-owned.
* para uso del profesional = professional-use.
* para uso industrial = heavy-duty.
* para uso personal = for personal use.
* plato de un solo uso = disposable plate.
* poner en uso = bring into + use, take in + use.
* proteger Algo para evitar su uso indebido por los niños = childproof.
* recurrir al uso de = resort to + the use of.
* rentabilizar el uso = maximise + use.
* ser de mucho uso = take + Pronombre + a long way.
* ser de un solo uso = be a one-trip pony.
* ser de uso general = be in general use, be generally available.
* servilleta de un solo uso = disposable napkin.
* sistema de facturación por uso = cost billing system.
* sistema en uso = operational system.
* tenedor de un solo uso = disposable fork.
* uso a distancia = remote use.
* uso compartido = sharing.
* uso compartido de la información = information sharing.
* uso compartido de mesas de trabajo = hot desking.
* uso compartido de recursos = resource sharing, time-sharing [timesharing].
* uso de instrumentos = instrumentation.
* uso de la biblioteca = library use, library usage.
* uso de la colección = stock use.
* uso de la letra cursiva = italicisation [italicization, -USA].
* uso de las mayúsculas = capitalisation [capitalization, -USA].
* uso de la tierra = land use.
* uso de sustancias = substance use.
* uso de un modo descuidado = bandying about.
* uso diario = everyday use.
* uso doméstico = domestic use.
* uso excesivo = prodigality, overuse.
* uso excesivo de = greed for.
* uso inadecuado = misuse, mistreatment.
* uso indebido = misuse.
* uso normal = normal usage.
* uso óptimo de los recursos = value for money.
* uso personal = personal use.
* uso público en la propia biblioteca = in-library use.
* uso razonable = fair dealing, fair use.
* uso remoto = remote use.
* usos y costumbres = customs and habits.
* usos y gratificaciones = uses and gratifications.
* uso tópico = for external use only.
* usuario que hace mucho uso del préstamo = heavy borrower.
* usuario que hace poco uso del préstamo = light borrower.
* usuario que hace uso del préstamo = borrower.